When you think about picking up ticks, you likely picture coming home after a long hike in the woods with some unwanted pests hitching a ride on your pants or shoes. While this is common, ticks are quickly becoming a household nuisance. With help from your trusted Plymouth tick control team at Combat Pest Control, keeping these unwanted pests away from your house is feasible.
Let's look at what makes ticks so risky and what you can do to keep them from returning to your property.
The Life Cycle Of Ticks: A Comprehensive Overview
Ticks are arachnids and, like household spiders, hatch from eggs and emerge as six-legged larvae. Once they hatch, they have to feed on blood to survive, so these newly hatched ticks will look for a host. Often, this will be wildlife like mice, voles, moles, and common rodents.
After they feed, they molt and develop into bigger nymphs with eight legs. They can feed off larger animals like deer, dogs, cats, and humans at this stage.
Once they get their fill from that next host, they molt into their adult stage, which can reproduce and increase the tick population in your yard. Since ticks can lay several thousand eggs at once, it's easy for their population to grow without routine tick extermination appointments.
Tick-Borne Diseases: The Silent Threat Of Tick Bites
Though ticks are annoying, they also pose a serious risk to your health and well-being. These arachnids are known to carry the following diseases:
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Boutonneuse fever
Lyme disease
B. miyamotoi disease
Powassan virus
These diseases are largely treatable but can negatively impact your health and quality of life. That's why routine tick lawn treatments are so essential. By getting rid of the ticks on your property, you'll keep your risk of disease lower.
Tick Prevention: Remedy Factors That Attract Ticks To Your Property
Ticks don't invade homes like most common pests; instead, they stay outside, only hitching rides indoors when attached to a host. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep ticks out of your yard and make your property less attractive to them. Here are a few tick preventionstrategies to try around your home:
Keep your pets on tick medication year-round.
Get rid of weeds and remove overgrown vegetation around your property often.
Keep your grass cut as short as you can without damaging the turf.
Build fences to keep wildlife out and reduce the risk of new ticks getting deposited in your yard.
Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors.
Use tick repellent and check yourself for ticks when you come back inside.
Though these prevention tips work best when combined with professional treatments, they can dramatically reduce your risk of tick bites. Search for tick control near you and schedule an appointment if you think ticks are in your yard.
Expert Tick Control Services: Keeping Your Property Tick-Free
The best way to keep ticks from posing a risk to your health is by staying on top of routine tick treatments with an experienced exterminator. During these appointments, your home pest control specialist will check your property for risk factors and determine if you have ticks outdoors or if you just need to make your yard inhospitable to them.
Once they decide if ticks are on your property, they'll create a treatment plan to eliminate the ones already there and keep them from returning. Contact the experts in tick control in Plymouthtoday and schedule an appointment.
Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393